C) mural $30.-$40 per sq ft

Cost of murals (See below)A) mural $10.-$20.    per sq ft.A) mural $10. -$20 per sq ftB) mural $20-$30 per sq ftSketch for Underwater mural C) mural $30.-$40 per sq ftD) $40.-$50. per sq ft plus 25-50% ceiling chargeE) $50. up per sq ft

C) mural $30.-$40 per sq ft
C) mural $30.-$40 per sq ft


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Great mural ,colors brilliant!
-- James Lasenby, 2/26/10

Art Zone Studio, Fine art, Murals, Specialty paint and stone finishes 
Inspiration to transformation

 Art Zone StudioOttawa, ON 613-254-5816

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